Admissions are open for the Jan 2025 Session. Secure your spot now! Admissions are open for the Jan 2025 Session. Secure your spot now! Admissions are open for the Jan 2025 Session. Secure your spot now! Admissions are closing on 28th March. Get a Welcome Voucher worth Rs 1,000 Admissions are closing on 28th March. Get a Welcome Voucher worth Rs 1,000 Admissions are closing on 28th March. Get a Welcome Voucher worth Rs 1,000
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Online Admission Process and Instructions

Registration Process for Online Programs through University Website:

Step Process Particulars
Step 1 Online Counselling Prospective Students would be Counselled for the chosen Program by our Online Counsellors
Step 2 Online Registration to Admission Portal. Students get access to My Account. Prospective Students Registers Online by Paying Rs. 1,000/- as Registration Fees. Fills all the details in the Online Application Form and Uploads all the Mandatory Document (Colour Scan Copies) for Admission Purpose.
Step 3 Verification of Documents by the University Admission Team Within 48 Hours, the University Admission Team member would verify all the documents as uploaded by the Prospective Student on the admission portal and approve the eligibility for the chosen program.
Step 4 Online Program Fees Payment Only Eligible Cases, as approved by the Admission Team; the students would find a Fees Payment link activated in their My Account for Program Fees Payment.
Step 5 Access to Learning Management System (LMS) for Online Program After Program Fees Payment; eligible students would be getting access to the Learning Management System (LMS) to access the online courses within 2 days from date of program fees payment.

General Instructions

  1. All Students should carefully read and understand the eligibility conditions given in this document and mentioned on the University website before applying for the online programs. There would be no refund of Registration Fees under any circumstances.
  2. Prospective Students should register on the University Website for Online Programs and upload all properly scanned color copies in the university application portal.
  3. Furnishing incorrect information/suppression of information would lead to rejection of application form for admission.
  4. Student should note the Admission Batch / Course Specialization / Electives to which they are registering; no request for changes in the Admission Batch / Course Specialization / Electives would be accepted by the university under any circumstances.
  5. Always visit our website, student account and check the mail notifications sent by university from time to time.
  6. All correspondence will be made through email to the registered email id of the candidate (i.e. email id entered in the application form for admission).
  7. Foreign Students, who are not Indian Citizens, are also eligible to seek admission provided the relevant AIU equivalence is taken by the student before applying for the Online Programs.
  8. Indian Students who have completed education from Foreign University need to get the AIU equivalence before applying for the Online Programs.
  9. The Admission Process is at discretion of the University; any documents required by University at any time during the course conduction; the students abide to submit the same on time to University for processing the same.
  10. Only after the final of verification by the University Enrolment Team, the enrolment number would be generated for confirmed students.
  11. The Prospective Student has to ensure that their education / qualifying degree has been issued from a recognized university/board only. It should be recognized by regulatory authority of Government of India.
  12. Prospective Students to check eligibility based on Qualifying Exam Date and the Current Batch of Admission with our University: Students should have passed the qualifying exams before the Start of Admission Batch.
  13. The admission would be processed as per the information provided by the student and in case of any discrepancy in the same, the university would have the right to cancel the admission and the fees paid would be forfeited.
  14. The name mentioned on application form should be exactly the same as it is mentioned on 10th Std. Mark Sheet.
  15. The name mentioned on 10th Std Mark Sheet also has to match the name mentioned on the degree certificate /degree mark sheets in case of PG Programs.
  16. In case of name change / deferred name (10th Std and Degree Certificate or Mark sheet) a name change Gazette Document has to be submitted by the prospective students.
  17. Sometimes Father / Mother name also gets changed in mark sheets / photo id; please keep a check on the same; as there would be requirement of name change document like gazette for father and mother as well.
  18. Cancellation and Refund Process as per the University norms mentioned in this document and also mentioned on the university website for online programs which is
  19. University reserves the right to seek additional documents for eligibility verification purpose from enrolled students at any point of time during the course conduction. The students by applying for Online Programs; they undertake to abide all the University norms.
  20. By Applying for University Online Programs; the student undertakes to abide by all the policies of the university as issued from time to time.
  21. For checking the 10th/ 12th Recognized Board, please refer the link for Recognized Boards:
  22. For checking the Recognized University in India Check –
  23. Students who have done engineering program in distance education mode even from recognized universities are not eligible for applying to the online programs with the university.
  24. Program Validity Extension Fees after completion of Degree Program validity period would be Rs. 5000/- for 1 Year of extension.
  25. Course Change or Specialization Change Fees would be Rs. 1000/- if applied within 2 month of admission registration process. However, the request is not accepted after the batch closure.
  26. The university has the right to cancel the admission or/and de-activate the online services if the information provided by student is found wrong or the fees which is due during course conduction as per the fees plan chosen by the student, which has not been paid.
  27. Upon successful completion of program, the university would provide the certificate only if all the mandatory documents have been submitted to the university.
  28. In case the university requires any documents for verification at any point of time during course conduction or within duration of the program, the student would need to re-submit the same to the university.
  29. The university reserves the right to amend the policies at any point of time and adhere to the UGC norms, Govt. of India.